The Essentiality of Civility

The First Amendment right to speak freely has become a moniker for unabashed expressive behavior without acceptance of the responsibility to exercise that right respectfully. At its core, this notion of uninhibited, anti-politically correct speech has dimmed the hope of productive dialogue. Persuasion dissipates when incivility dominates.

Civility constitutes a foundational element of professionalism, which is a vital attribute for success in the 21st century, Blake Morant said. However, while civility is crucial, it does have limits. Civility doesn’t require engagement with individuals who utter speech that, at its core, has no connection with respect or mutuality.

Morant urged educators and civic leaders to advocate for civil discourse as a fundamental element of constructive engagement, thereby maximizing the communication of ideas and the broadening of minds. Moreover, Morant said that both the legal profession and society are better served when individuals engage in civil discourse.